I have so much respect for that woman who wakes up in the morning to prepare a home for her family, that woman who makes sure that her house is spotless clean every minute of the day and is so good at multitasking that she can cook and iron at the same time and is able to sit in her office by 8am (if ever she exists).If you are one of those women who strive for perfection, this article is for you.
Society has for many years dictated the way a women should and shouldn't be, much to the extent that most women fail to realise who they relly are.
In my early teens, whist my mom used to yearn for that mother -daughter quality time with me, my mind was busy thinking how i was missing out on my friends playing outside. As soon as i got over the playing age, instead of taking time to bond with family, i was busy thinking of that cute guy i met the other day. One guy after the other, and so the years went by, and that took so much of my time, the time that i should have had having fun with my girl friends. By the time i found the one, marriage was on my mind, then i became a wife...before i knew it... someone is calling me mum. Welcome to my world now: a world where I am struggling to balance between home, work, kids and him, much to the extent that i have forgotten that i exist. Why? Because my goal is to be the best mom, the best wife, with the best home and above all to be better than my peers proffessionally. So where do i fit in?
Its unfortunate, that women can't make the cake and eat it too. To stay sane, you have to continue shifting priorities. But whats more important is to continue re-evaluating yourself and checking if you are in tune with yourself . Because if you are not careful, you may live this life for everyone other that yourself!
i was so excited to see a fellow zimbo blogger. hope you come back to the blogging world.